National Tour Guide Lecturer
Dhammithra is a leading naturalist, a licensed national tour guide lecturer adorned with a keen sense of curiosity and reverence for the natural world, and embarks on a lifelong journey of exploration and understanding.
He has been working as a national tour guide lecturer for more than 20 years in the tourism industry. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, he immerses himself in the intricate tapestry of ecosystems, observing the intricate connections that bind every living organism.
Armed with binoculars, field guides, and a deep appreciation for biodiversity, he shares his knowledge about wildlife and birdlife in Sri Lanka with others to enhance the knowledge of the biodiversity of Sri Lanka as well as on conservation.
He has more than 30 years of field experience in Sri Lankan biodiversity and has participated in several international bird fairs as well.
During his spare time, he has contributed his commitment and identification skills for many national-level wildlife and biodiversity projects, university research, and NGOs, thus having good scientific knowledge about wildlife and biodiversity conservation.
He has specialized knowledge of birds, orchids, butterflies, lizards, and Plants. Further, his contribution and representation on national scout camps will assure you that his companionship can help to survive in any harsh wilderness conditions.